A courier looking off in the distance, holding a tablet and sitting in his van

Commercial Auto & Fleet Insurance

It’s like a seatbelt for your business.

You can’t plan for the unexpected. Protect your company vehicles from theft, damage, or liability in the event of an accident, and keep your business rolling.

Get started with a quick quote. We’re ready to help, fast.

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Protect what you love from what you don’t love: the unexpected

Young electrician taking tools out of his van

What if your work vehicle disappeared overnight?

Your parked vehicle was stolen or broken into. The right commercial auto insurance can provide temporary replacement vehicle coverage.

What if you had more than five commercial vehicles for your business?

With commercial auto insurance, the whole fleet can be covered. With more than five business vehicles, insurance companies often offer fleet rating to save you money.

What if your work vehicle has specialized equipment on board?

Your vehicle has special equipment and is damaged. Now what? You may not be able to get a replacement with the same equipment. If you experience downtime, with the right insurance policy, you can have coverage for your lost income.

How to make Commercial Auto & Fleet Insurance work for you

Whether you’re a contractor that carries your tools and materials in your pickup truck or a small to medium business with a handful of plumber’s and electrician’s vehicles–we got you covered. 

Navigating commercial auto insurance coverages can be confusing. But we can help sort out the right solution for you and your business, and get you back on the road in no time. Some of the coverages available include:

Liability Coverage

This protects you if you have an accident that causes damage or injures someone.

Accident Benefits Coverage

This coverage helps cover the costs of medical treatment and rehab if you’re injured in an accident. You can also customize your Accident Benefits coverage limit.

Comprehensive Coverage

Having comprehensive commercial auto and fleet insurance is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your employees and other drivers–any time your vehicles are on the road.

As a business owner, it’s advantageous to have an insurance partner who provides continuous solutions. Our brokers will help you with updates and changes to your commercial auto and fleet insurance as your fleet changes and grows. 

Our insurance Specialists will work with you year after year so you have coverage that protects you and your business on an ongoing basis.

Coverage for any number of vehicles

Over 20 commercial vans? No worries. One single commercial vehicle? Also no worries. We’ll make sure you’ve got the right insurance that fits your needs. And businesses that have five or more commercially rated vehicles are eligible for fleet insurance. Fleet insurance can maximize your protection and provide significant discounts.

Quick Response

Need help figuring out what coverage you need? Fill out our easy Quick Response form. And one of our experienced business insurance Specialists will reach out to help you ASAP.

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  • …always been proactive in advising us of our insurance carrier’s updates or changes. We have peace of mind knowing we’re adequately protected. We’re very happy clients.

    Stephen C.

  • …always friendly and easy to talk to. Able to explain any questions easily.

    Lynsey J.