Man kneeling down while on his tablet with construction beams in the foreground

Course of Construction Insurance

Picking out finishings for your dream renovation? Fun. 
Shopping for insurance to cover the build? Less fun. 

You don’t have to be a big company to need solid builder’s risk coverage for your construction project. Whether you are building or renovating your home or a commercial project, your space and construction materials face unique risks and the value can add up. Did you know your home or business insurance may not cover costs during the build phase? The good news is we work with a lot of insurance companies and can help you find coverage that works for you – as smoothly, simply and painlessly as possible.

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Protect what you love from what you don’t love: the unexpected

Woman using a level

What if building materials on site were lost in a fire?

Unfortunately, these things happen. With the right course of construction insurance, you will have help recovering the lost materials.

What if your construction materials were stolen?

Some unwelcome visitors helped themselves to expensive materials at your construction site. Now what? A builder’s risk insurance policy can help with the cost to replace them.

What if your construction space is damaged?

The building you’re working on is damaged. Stressful situation. Course of construction insurance can help pay for repairs.

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