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Condo Insurance

Your condo lifestyle needs condo insurance

When you own a condo, you enjoy a unique lifestyle that requires unique coverage that can be confusing. Don’t worry, our insurance Specialists know condos and can cover all the angles. We’ll make sense of things, and help make sure you’re covered.

Just reach out and we’ll show you why working with us is better.

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Protect what you love from what you don’t love: the unexpected

A female couple looking at a laptop and smiling

What if there was a fire in the lobby?

If a fire accidentally starts in your lobby or another shared space, your Condo Corporation’s insurance will kick in, but it often includes a high deductible that the Corporation charges to unit owners. A condo insurance policy can include coverage for loss assessment from the Corporation to protect you.

What if your stuff got stolen?

Your condo just got broken into. Stressful for sure. But at least replacing or repairing things will be covered by your condo insurance policy. This includes stuff in your storage locker or temporarily outside your condo, like in your car.

What if your unit has been upgraded with hardwood floors and granite countertops?

You can include the value of these upgrades on your condo policy with coverage for unit improvements and betterments.

Make condo insurance work for you. Not the other way round.

Your condo is a large investment, whether you are a first-time owner, downsizing or using it as a rental property. Condo insurance needs are different from other home insurance policies, and we know insurance can be confusing for condo owners. Many condo owners still wonder why this type of insurance is so crucial. Here’s why:

Your mortgage lender probably requires that you have condo insurance that meets certain limits to receive the financing from them.

The Condo Corporation’s insurance policy doesn’t cover damage, repair or loss of any personal possessions. You’ll need personal coverage which also applies to belongings temporarily outside of your home, like in your car or in a hotel room, and your storage locker.

If a lawsuit arose from an injury on your property or damage you’ve accidentally caused to someone else’s property, your condo insurance could protect you financially.

Your Condo Corporation’s insurance policy doesn’t have enough coverage to pay for the damage and costs that are assessed to be shared across all unit owners for common area damage. They sometimes charge back the insurance deductibles if things that go wrong in your place damage other parts of the building. The right coverage on your personal insurance policy can help pay for this.


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  • …always explains things of concern to me.

    Paul C.

  • I like the way everything was explained and made it easy to understand my policy.

    Laurie V.