Young man looking into living room from a doorway

Tenant Insurance

New place? Who’s excited? You are. 

We'll help make sure you're covered. Get started with a quick quote.

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Protect what you love from what you don’t love: the unexpected

Woman hanging a picture on the wall in a den

What if there was a fire?

A fire accidentally started in your rental and damages someone else’s unit. Don’t worry, with Tenant Insurance, you won’t have to pay for damage out of pocket.

What if a leak didn’t just wreck your place?

You accidentally left the bathtub running and the water caused damage to someone else’s unit. It’s okay. Your tenant insurance could provide liability protection for the damage caused.

What if your stuff got stolen?

Your home just got broken into. Stressful for sure. But at least replacing things that belonged to you will be covered by your tenant insurance.

Buy Tenant Insurance

Many renters think they’re protected by their landlord’s insurance. Not true. Tenant insurance protects your belongings and if you accidentally cause harm to someone else or their property. Big moves come with big decisions. But let’s make it easy. Get started with a quote.

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Tenant insurance costs and coverages

It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but buying tenant insurance is easy peasy with us. Answer a few questions and you’ll get a quote with a breakdown of what’s included. You can also customize your insurance by choosing the coverages and limits that make sense for you. 

The cost of your insurance coverage depends on things like the type of home you rent, the location and the personal belongings you want to protect. Some of the coverages available include:

Personal Property Coverage

This protects all personal contents in your home or apartment. From your computer to your PJs. As a renter, your landlord should have insurance on their building and appliances but their coverage does not protect your personal property.

Personal Liability Coverage

This protects you if you are sued because someone is accidentally injured in your home, or if you’ve accidentally damaged someone else’s property. Hey, we’ve all been there. Accidents happen.

Sewer Backup Coverage

This option pays for damage to your home due to the backup of water through sewers and drains. If you’re on the 32nd floor, this one may not be for you.

Additional Living Expense Coverage

This provides financial assistance if something unexpected happens, and you are unable to live in your rental home while it’s being repaired. Basically, this coverage makes the situation less painful.

Hot tip:

Take inventory now. Minimize stress later.

Could you remember everything in your home and what each item costs if there was a fire or break-in? Didn’t think so. Take an inventory of your personal belongings now. Painful? Yes. Less painful than waiting until it’s too late? Also yes. Additionally, selecting the insurance coverage limit that would allow you to replace everything you own is important, and this helps make sure you’re covered properly. 

Try to keep your receipts, user manuals or warranties in a safe place so you can use them as proof of ownership. It’s also great to have pictures of your valuable belongings. It’s like insurance for your insurance. Update your inventory as you buy new things. Buy an inflatable T-Rex? Take a selfie with it. Buy a super-fancy ironing board? Selfie.


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  • …makes you feel like you matter and at the same time gets the best coverages for your individual needs and at a fair and competitive cost. Simply outstanding.

    Paul F.

  • Best company to work with for insurance. Unbelievably quick to respond to any questions and provide documentation.

    Bev M.